Our Team
Jonny Slatter
Jonny is the Youth Worker for our Balerno site, overseeing the discipleship of our S1-S6 year groups and the running of all our Youth Events in Balerno. Jonny is originally from Edinburgh and previously attended our youth programme over 15 years ago during his teenage years! Jonny is married to Megan and they have one child Benny. His heart is to see young people build life-lasting relationships both with friends and with Jesus with a real passion for making disciples who are making disciples. When he is not at Church or with his family, you are likely to find him at Tynecastle or in a Nandos!
Isaac Knight
Isaac is our Associate Rector with responsibility for our Livingston site. Issac oversses the volunteer-led running of our 10-18 yrs old programme in Livingston and often links up with Balerno events throughout the year.
Volunteer Team
Both sites are supported by volunteers who help run the different groups through the week. These volunteers have a wealth of experience and have served for many years in the Youth Ministry.