Youth Alpha

(No courses running currently)

What is it?


It’s an opportunity to investigate for yourself some of the big questions in life.  What’s the meaning of life? What happens when you die?  Who is God?  What’s the big deal about Jesus? … and many more. A great evening, great fun and great food

What happens at Youth Alpha?


You arrive at 46B (also called St Mungo’s Ministry Centre), maybe you don’t know anyone, or maybe you know everyone, either way we do our best to help you feel at ease.  You can play some pool, table football, table tennis or just grab a cushion and sit and chat. 

We’ll kick off the evening with a fun game, or two, before sitting down to watch a DVD, broken up with some small group discussion times where you have a chance to chat about what you’ve just watched and to ask questions.  During these times we’ll also have some fun snacks… a nachos night, pancake evening, ice cream extravaganza, chocolatey fondue and various other things.

Why should I go to Youth Alpha?


All of us have big questions about life, about faith and about God, whether you’ve been a Christian your whole life, have recently become a Christian or have never even thought about it.  Alpha is a great place to investigate what it is you believe about these big questions and maybe why you believe it.  It’s also a great place to meet people and spend time with friends… oh, and have we mentioned, the food is awesome!